If limbo exists, well then, my Eric Prydz article on his, at the time, soon to come “Epic 3.0” show would be in the deep depths of that realm collecting eternal dust and cursing eternity for not getting the exposure it deserved. Day in and out we see videos that promote upcoming tours and specify, “new technology” and/ or “never before seen “illuminations. It’s a thing in this industry to promote your show as if it is the only one in existence; but for the most part it’s the same old thing with maybe an extra laser or two. Now don’t get me wrong and don’t tell me that I do not appreciate the audio visual effects in place at shows as they can make or break the performance. But once you go 3.0, you’ll never go back… Does that reference work here?
Eric Prydz and his consecutively advertised 3.0 show completely blew the minds of up words of a few thousand people in Madison Square Garden. You’ve heard the set, but did you see the show? Taking things to a notch in the scene as unique as Destroid but with a little more trip versus scare, Prydz delivers a 4D audio visual set that engulfs the crowd in a light show that blows the rest out of the water. This could be the most innovative performance to date. Try to imagine the pre-production that this tour entails?
Check out the 30 second clip below first to highlight exactly what I’m talking about before heading over to his full Madison Square Garden set that someone so generously recorded in 1080p.
Here’s the full set.
chris, i live 15min from glendale, is your studio hiring for anything?
This was a terrible article. You didn’t do it justice at all. Do some more research and do Pryda some serious justice – and don’t write about it a week after the event. Be respectful.
It’s not a tour. MSG was a one time deal. Those who saw it are the lucky ones