Notorious for their mighty, stadium-shaking sound, Stafford Brothers are back, joined by M35, for quite a massive track titled “Carne Asada“. Spanish for grilled meat, “Carne Asada” proves to be quite the tasty treat that will melt you speakers with an enormous flavor of bass and spine-tingling synths.
These guys draw you in right away with a thunderous build that drops into a chaotic dance floor banger. They also have an incredible sample of someone yelling “Carne Asada!” that really compliments this big room tune. The guys bring in a beautiful melody to ride you through some type of interlude before cascading into an even mightier drop that caps off this track with a bang! “Carne Asada” is a really great tune from Stafford Brothers & M35 and I think you’ll enjoy it too, so listen below and grab your copy here!