When you search “death” on Your EDM, or any other dance music website, there’s way too much content there. Although deaths, most notably drug related ones, occur at all music events, our scene is the one that has its head on the chopping block. Festivals are being flooded with fans looking for a fun time, which drugs are a huge part of. That’s a fact and it’s not changing anytime soon.
Instead of beefing up security, or having harsher item policies, festivals are looking for a pragmatic way to give fans the fun time they are seeking, without letting the event turn into a madhouse, or worse, a morgue. Festivals like Shambhala, which instated drug testing for attendees and whiteboards warning people of bad drugs making their rounds, are making moves for progress, as opposed to oppression. Sure, drugs are illegal, but there’s no getting around them at these events.
Harm reduction is the way to go. You don’t really connect the two, but these events are very much tied into the war on drugs, which is a complete and utter failure. Instead of working with communities, officials have tried to lay the hammer down, which hasn’t ever worked. Why would that work for music festivals, where (mostly rebellious) attendees are specifically looking to have the time of their lives? It doesn’t.
Research, education, and open communication, among many other things, is how the issue of overdoses can be contained. The folks over at Globe and Mail wrote a nice piece regarding the topics mentioned here, so if you wanted more information on some of these policies and measures being put in to place, head over to the source below. And remember, just be smart. When it comes down to it, your actions are on you. Things can get out of hand, but if you are cautious, then these problems wouldn’t be as numerous as they currently are.
Source: The Globe and Mail