By now, most of you have heard of Diplo’s recent ban on kandi at his touring festival called the Mad Decent Block Party. As to be expected, that decision came with its fair share of criticism and attacks from disgruntled fans. Diplo even took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the matter, where he exclaimed:
“i don’t got nothing but love 4 u and your kandi i just want to take steps to make sure everyone is there 100% for the music. not other stuff”
Well, everyone’s favorite raver and Insomniac head honcho, Pasquale Rotella, decided to respond with the following statement:
“One of my favorite aspects of dance music culture is the freedom of self-expression. Since the early days, dance culture has always been a non-judgmental environment where you could express your individuality through art, music and positive energy. It’s been especially amazing to see how the making and trading of kandi has evolved over the years. Kandi started in Southern California, and is now a tradition embraced by ravers all over the world! I love that these beaded works of art create a special bond between the giver and recipient when traded. Although I don’t wear kandi regularly, I save all of the pieces I’ve been gifted by Headliners and remember the stories behind each one. Whether you’re from SoCal or Singapore, wear your kandi proudly and continue to spread the good vibes!”
So what are your thoughts on the matter? Are kandi wearers not really at events for the music like Diplo is insinuating, or does Pasquale have the better mindset on the matter? Let us know!
Diplo is taking to heart his point of view on kandi as you can see him rejecting a fan in the video below:
I relate “kandi” and “ravers”, to “flags” and “gang bangers”. They all want to flaunt their life styles, but no one wants to take responsibility for the actions that cause the negative image that society has about the group in question. Everybody wants to claim the victim, and wants to spout off about people profiling, and stereotyping them into certain groups.
Well, unfortunately… there is a reason for stereotypes. And that is; because they fucking exist.
If you dress like a “gang banger”, and you sport a rag of a certain color, and you fit the visual criteria of a certain demographic, Then i am probably going to assume that you associate with the demographic in question. Or at least respect/ agree with said group. Enough so that you would risk your very well being to appear to be part of the aforementioned group. Therefore I am going to assume that you partake, or are ok with “illegal” or “frowned upon” activities.
Same goes for the “ravers”. If you look like a “RAVE KID”, then im going to assume certain things about you. You can deny all you want that your “KANDI” is about “PLUR”, and “RESPECT”. But when it comes down to it, %97 percent of the “KANDI KIDS” are fucked up on “mollly”/ research chems, and trying to be perceived as that kind of person, more than they actually follow any kind of belief or feeling. And it’s really sad that things have to be that way, because the idea of this whole “Peace, Love, Unity, Respect.” thing seems beautiful on paper. But people take advantage of the innocent/ naive facade at play here.
And the fact that I am even acknowledging these groups of “ravers” and “gang bangers”, and giving them their own classifications, is half of the problem. Acknowledging these groups as a certain demographic only gives them more power and popularity.
If only everyone would take these beliefs, and could go about everyday, with the same “Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect” attitude, for their fellow people and surroundings…
Maybe then the world would make sense to us.
I wear every piece of kandi that fans have given me over the last few years when I spin psytrance (at least the pieces that aren’t too loose, and would be at risk of flying off during a particularly wild performance. I save those in a box at home).
They welcome me into their hearts when they give me a piece of kandi they made, and I in turn try to give them an uplifting, spiritual experience through the music. With any luck, maybe they’ll have a transcendent experience, and grow in some way.
Maybe this doesn’t make any sense, but wearing their kandi keeps me connected to them and their world… and no matter where I go, I’ll always take a piece of them with me when I step on stage.
Always thought hard events were fuckin stupid for banning kandi. With this logic we should ban forks, because people are getting fat. Or ban cars since there are too many DUIs.
I’m with Pasquale Rotella on this issue. Been raving since 1999 and I don’t wear much kandi when I go out… But back in the day I was a total kandi kid. It’s not fair to others to limit their self expression. People are going to sneak drugs into venues, you can’t stop it and you can’t stop people from taking drugs either. It’s going to happen no matter what. Just because someone wears a beaded bracelet doesn’t mean they are going to use drugs. I don’t take any drugs at all. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke cigarettes… but I do like the couple pieces of kandi that I have, so if they don’t allow; I’m not gonna go. Plus EDC is a way better venue anyways. <3 thanks for making a venue where we can be ourselves Pasquale, you're awesome!
Diplo is probably facing pressure by the people in law enforcement, as we all know festivals these days are highly highly organised by local cops, you have two teams working together at ever event and with all the recent deaths, he took a bold move and i give him credit for that.. alot of drugs are smuggled in, inside hollow beads, its easy to pass drugs with the passing of candy, it looks harmless, kids even do it with cops… we all like to pretend that ravers are above drug dealing and we all know that is not the case.
Went to the block party in Philly this past Friday. Had a great time and didn’t have to see all those little kids wearing the stupid masks and so many bracelets that they could barley lift their arms. Go for the music, not to be seen.
If I were “just in it for the music”, I could sit on my ass in my room, alone, and listen to it on some headphones for free and stare blankly at the wall to ensure I were doing absolutely nothing but appreciate the music.
EDM stands for something, and that’s part of what makes us listen to it. The emotion it invokes something inside that brings us together. EDM is about being united, it is about not judging one another or tearing each other down. It is about creativity and dance. You’re kidding yourselves if you think you just go “for the music”. You can listen to the music anywhere. It’s the EXPERIENCE that you’re really looking for. The music is a huge part of that experience, but without the people, the music wouldn’t stand for anything.
It’s not about being angry about having Kandi taken away. It’s the frustration over the censorship and judgement being passed. Discrimination is ugly no matter what form it takes.
seeing as many people were taken to the hospital for bad drugs/ overdoses at the last Mad Decent Block Party i think its just a good precautionary measure. He isn’t knocking people for owning and collecting it, but i think he is just trinna take safe steps to try to ensure the safety of the ravers. I think its a good call seeing as people will literally pop any pill someone gives them these days.
Wow just lost so much respect for diplo
Btw diplo sucks and apparently knows nothing of real rave culture
Fuck Diplo if he honestly thinks that people are shelling out dozens to hundred of dollars just to trade plastic beads and not the performance?!? Narcissistic POS.
it’s his opinion, let him have it
To me ‘rave’ culture is like hard dance. the shit that qdance does. go wear your kandi there.
To think that banning plastic jewelry will stop people from doing drugs is down right moronic. I see it hurting attendance by the people who support this fun way of expression, but who knows, he may pick up the ticket sales with peeps on the other end of the spectrum. Every music has its place but let’s be honest…trap attracts different kinds of people than pure electronic dance music does. I wouldn’t even call trap EDM because it’s not new. It is a style of hip-hop/rap that has been around for decades. I would select tracks to play in the club that were “trap” back in the day because of the heavy/tough feel that the song portrayed through bass and lyrics. (The rhythmic What, What, What, What) That alone is thuggish in nature. Every time I hear it, I picture some dude with his chest bowed out in someone’s face saying, What?! We’ll see what happens. My guess is his events will shift from attracting fun loving-there to dance, love and have a good time (on drugs or not) “ravers” to more buffed up, tough, “I have something to prove to a bunch of strangers” (still on drugs or not) type fans. In the end….the same amount of drugs, and more violence….like the trend I’ve been seeing at festivals recently. Getting rid of a common staple in dance music history that symbolizes “one love” and “we are all equal” hurts the industry as a whole in the long run. BUT…now I know to throw a rave party any time he is in my town and I’ll get all the kandi kidz attendance! Thank you Diplo!!!
I have never worn Kandi and never will but to ban it is fkn stupid! Like Pasquale Rotella said its a form of expression. I for one was a real gang banger and i would never ever ever compare that life style to that of a kandi kid. Peace love unity and respect compared to thugs guns violence and murder, your so off the chart with this one. EDM took me away from fucked up life style i lived as a gangster full of hate now iam a party kid, yes even at the age of 39, and would never trade it for anything.I love the music the people the style and most importantly the fact that you can dance like no one is watching and no one will put you down for it. If you dont like it this is not the place for you and sadly enough you will never know the magic that happens at these events. Just cuz you ban Kandi does not mean that so called other things are not going to be there. Stay closed minded if you must but dont force your beliefs on anyone else. What are you a Terrorist? Its what your coming off as. Oh to extreme? So is comparing loving kandi kids to gangsters!
Before I begin, I would like to say, DIPLO, u got where u r by playing what u want and like… We all accepted u… U Realize that DJ s PLUR with their music? That’s if ur good, and if not ur 1 of those “can I have a tradeable”, when u have nothing to offer …
Alright now so diplo is one of those Dix like Dj Deconstructo… WHO DOESNT WANT KANDI AT A RAVE!!! And yes, they are raves, look it up! At least I heard of diplo, gary…
So DIPLO, u go on a 1 day vacation with a bunch of ur friends and family… u decide not to buy any souvenirs for ur friends, family, or urself…. Okay, fair enough… BUT WHO DAFUK R U TO TELL THE REST OF US WE CANNOT BUY, MAKE OR TRADE ANY SOUVENIRS AND INCREASE THE IMPORTANCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS TRIP WE ALL CAME ON TOGETHER !!!!????? Or better yet, u invite us all to a theme park and we all pay u collectively so we can go… Ur like AYYYY u can’t come if u do the photo booth! Bro, Mind ur business, play the music we pay u for, don’t concern urself with our style. It’s fine if ur too rich to socialize with us, unlike Pasquale and DADAlife, Bauer, basshunter, to name a few but go PLUR urself! Ur in the business of self expression and outwardly sharing what U like with everyone around u!
It’s because people like to put drugs into their bracelets, like putting a tab as a bead, and selling them to people. While I don’t think he should ban it altogether, it’s kinda bullshit that people can’t go strictly to enjoy the music. 90% of people I know that go to shows or raves need to be completely smashed in order to go, when the EDM community already should give you the feeling to be free with no judgement in how you dress or how you dance, etc. But this is merely only him banning kandi from the MDBP, not the scene. And it’s things like drugs that keep EDM events from being allowed in a lot of places, think EDC Dallas, or any other event in which people have been taken to the hospital due to overdoses, or simply not drinking enough water while rolling.
Diplo, if we were there ONLY for the music, or “100% for the music, not other stuff,” as you said it, then we would simply stay home and listen in our rooms with headphones on. We’re there to share an experience with others that love and appreciate EDM. Wearing kandi is a way for us to engage in a mutual respect for a culture that encourages individuality while simultaneously spreading the belief that we can all embrace each other’s differences as much as we embrace our similarities. I’ll stick to Insomniac events where we can enjoy each other’s company in a place that encourages freedom of expression instead of banning it. Thank you Pasquale Rotella for keeping the culture alive and thriving. We need people like you to stand up for us and keep the closed-minded money seekers at bay.
Thank God. This giant bubble of ‘EDM Babies’ is bound to burst sooner or later. If your response to this is ‘fuck you, fuck that, his music’s shit, etc.’ then go ahead and remove yourself from the culture and everything embodied within it. This culture and scene wasn’t built on individuals hating on a producer because he’s trying to take a positive step in the right direction for dance music. Don’t criticize Diplo for his attempt to weed out all the drug loving ravers. Ask yourself for a minute if your actually there for the music 100% or the ‘drugs, KANDI, AND PLER!’
Keeping it classy for the music… nothing wrong with removing distractions… attempting to reach a purer vibe… going for the music instead of one aspect of the “raver” culture… leave the beads and pacifiers at home for this one… they have more than enough facetime at every single other event… I’m for it! Strip off the layers for one party… it really won’t hurt anyone. 🙂 <3
I can’t even believe some of these comments… What happened to not being judgmental? What happened to freedom of expression? Just because you wear kandi doesn’t mean you do drugs… I can’t believe anyone would think that. I know a lot of people who wear kandi and don’t do drugs and I also know alot of people who don’t wear kandi and do drugs. Stopping people from wearing kandi won’t stop people from doing drugs. It will just cause people to sneak their kandi into events which is outrageous to think that people have to sneak beaded bracelets into events.
We pay money from our own pockets to pay for these people careers to listen to there music live, to take in the experience and meet like minded people, I’m pretty sure at costs of 90 – 500 dollars how ever much the event costs we should be allowed to wear and dress as we please People do drugs weather they wear kandi or not banning kandi isnt gunna save a life .. get real people and look at the bigger picture !
Well what do you expect, Electronic music is only a business for him, he doesn’t give a shit about the culture that it stems from. Here is the best way to address this problem, don’t attend his event or buy his music, if you are a dj don’t play his music. Simple.
people who NEED fucking Kandi to “express themselves” are really not trying hard to express themselves…
Who cares about Kandi, and who cares about Diplo, this is fucking 2014.
Only thing i can say is EVERYONE has their own way of expressing themselves and their own opinions, Who the fuck are we to label or judge anyone by what they use?? this world needs to wake the fuck up, and being so judgmental to things we don’t understand,
Diplo you are the man I respect the fact you have earned the right to ban whatever you want. As far as the post Pasquale made. In my eyes he is just trying to get noticed and talked about making that post. Stay up and keep making amazing music we all can party too. #twerkcaptain
Diplo doesn’t dig the kandi scene to much, enough to not allow it into mad decent. Sucks, but I guess you have to respect the party rules for Mad Decent. Im still pretty excited for the PHX block party coming up in early Sept!!!!
This is the stupidest shit I have ever seen. If youre not there for the music and just going so you can wear your Kandi, please feel free and not go.
both have valid points you can’t fault Diplo for not wanting drugs at his block party. On the other side you have to respect the OG in the game… wanting self expression at his festivals
Hahaha all the millenials talking about EDM and “raves.” You can’t buy tickets to a real rave.
for once Pasquale rotella is right.. just lower ticket prices you have enough money as it is!
People should bring kandi beads and throw them at him.
Something you all might be interested to learn… Mad Decent Block Party was a never a rave or festival to begin with. It is exactly what the name implies, a BLOCK PARTY. So if for people to be wearing kandi there in the first doesn’t make any sense. People never wore kandi at the original MDBP’s so it doesn’t make sense that they want to wear them now. People should stop talking about this, this is something that should be a non-issue you guys all sound stupid.
I can understand why Diplo would want to have people be there only for the music, not for anything else (that’s why there IS a scene in the first place). However, there are many who like EDM for the culture AND music (I assume), but likewise there are many who are in it for the culture/drugs and less so the music; I think it’s these people in the latter group and those barely committed to the scene who Diplo doesn’t want to be affiliated with/have around. I can sympathize with him on that, but in his edict he likewise bans both aforementioned groups: tossing out those who embrace the whole scene, culture and music, with those only in it for the culture.
In essence, then, it seems as though he has a semi-decent idea–of rallying the (and his) most devoted music fans–behind his new creed, but in practice, it goes a little too far as to make many people feel like one of the integral parts of their rave experience is being taken away, and this makes them mad. It would pretty much alienates all those who aren’t in it for the music alone.
It seems like this is what would happen, so I ask: does Diplo want to get rid of all those who have pretty much any affinity to the culture (loving the music or not as much), and maintain only those who like the music alone? Like I said, I can understand the desire to “rally the hardcore”, but it looks like Diplo’s creed is not the greatest way to do it. The culture and the underlying principles ought to be expressed (so long as it isn’t unhealthy). yes, the music is what brought us together, but a culture has grown that can make a rave more fun and social: the main purpose of a rave is to have fun, centered around great tunes.
PS, I wish people could be clear and calm with their debates; then you can focus on deriving truth as opposed to senseless bickering and name-calling.
kandi isnt about anything but unity … the fuck dude?
i just looked up his music and uh .. his music videos are promoting alot of shitty things including getting fucked up and ruining shit .. so his ban is entirely hypocritical
and another thing
anyone that goes to a DIPLO party .. probably DOES wear kandi for the WRONG reasons… coz no true raver would be into that shitty music
“Are kandi wearers not really at events for the music like Diplo is insinuating”
This is a poorly written line. He is not saying that everyone wearing kandi is not there for the music his point of view is that a portion of the people all about kandi arent there for the music
FUUUUUCK that. This really disappoints me. Especially that fucking video of him rejecting the trade! Are you kidding? You don’t have love for your fans that spread PLUR and wear kandi. You can see how much he doesn’t care about it.
Diplo is a tool and an idiot. Trap is ruining the scene. If I wanted a rap show is go to one!!! I hope people boycott his events!!!!
I think it’s stupid, but at the same time understandable. It’s one event you can’t wear kandi to. Chill the fuck out.
from what ive seen, its people with bandannas and snap backs who go for drugs n sex, not the kandi kids.
i dont enjoy the music, im just there to get drunk as fuck
Kandi is gay as fuck and always has been. End of story.
Diplo is almost as bad as deadmau5
m/ mad respect for Pasquale
But bans gloves are EDC…
What a douche bag lmfao
uhhh hes not rejecting his fan if he doesn’t know how to do the hand motions….I’m sure if he knew how he’d do them it literally takes 3 seconds, not that big of a deal. Stop getting so butthurt about this it’s one concert series among hundreds of tours and festivals, theres plenty of other shows you can wear kandi at
Diplo is all about the money. He’s just a wack person that makes decent music. If he really cared about the scene, he would give us what we wanted within rules and regulations. It’s just clear he doesn’t want the real ravers , instead he wants the bros and ratchets that just go to dance on drugs. All MDBP is nothing but that and very few real ravers. MDBP blew anyways, shitty stage setup to shitty speakers. Insomniac events >
Why would kandi mean you were their for something other than the entertainment of the evening? If anything it makes you more involved and adds a later of fun to the whole event.,you can make cool or whitty and when I find someone else to trade with or it’s some ones first time. And u give them their first piece it is a great I’ve breaker too if ud like to have an in to see if a girl might like you. However never be a creep always respect each other.
Anyways kandi has been apart of the scene so long y woud I remove it. No ones getting high on their beads…. Or going only to trade Kandi
In my opinion, I don’t believe just because a few people’s bad decisions everyone should be punished. No offense, but Diplo’s fan base more or less now is very “ratchet”, I guess it’s more because he makes more hip-hop inspired, twerk and trap music now. This type of music I feel attracts more of the wild, out-of-control type of crowd. Maybe Diplo is enabling or provoking this type of behavior and he doesn’t even know it, but I think he does and embraces it trying to make every show as ratchet and crazy as possible, thus, more drug overdoses, police arrests and who knows what else. With that being said Diplo is still one of the top 10 artists on my list to see live I respect him and his musical talent and would hopefully like to stop seeing all these stupid bans on things that cannot be brought to a rave. This isn’t an airport or jail.
Banning kandi like banning hats because you don’t like hats and think everyone else should have to suffer I’m just saying i have never heard of kandi being reason drugs got into a show most ppl only wear the single braclets which you can’t hide anything in. Banning kandi won’t stop the drugs or make the show safer how can people enjoy the music if they are being told that they can’t be who they are or express themselves
Noremac ingraham misses the point… But that is okay. Our message is simple, let us do our thing, u do yours… But a festival is ours. Attacking fans, and kandi lovers will not affect the intention of PLUR. U pass out your business card to many, I assume, to leech off the industry that u belittle… We use Kandi to selflessly have a connection with people we meet increasing the significance of our encounters and they become bonds over time and frequency… We have our work, usually separate, and it supports our hobby…
Aren’t u trying to make a living off our hobby? U really should be “about that life”.
Ur judgements are juvenile, and coming from a JERSEY BOY who studies nothing, glad to see u have u red pen out… Brainiac dum dum bust the scientifical. There is a time and place for grammar… But this is a conversation u weren’t invited to.
Keep promoting yourself buddy… Hope that works out for u✌️❤️.
Im sure he allows the dipshit bros to wear the “Pop a molly” or “Party with Sluts” tshirts. those make the culture look bad not some kandi bracelets that are unique every time. Kandi brings us together and creates a bond those tshirts bring an unrespectable image to all of us ravers the same image many of came to the rave scene to get away from
Kandi kids with both arms covered head to teo need to relax. No reason for all that. You wanna trade? That’s fine. I love trading. But diplo is right. Kids are more worried about beads than the music
In 95′ I hated Kandi, in 2014, I hate Kandi. I am in it for the music, and the little cute articles of clothing don’t make the scene. But at the same time, shit, if people want to dress like clowns, that’s on them. That shouldn’t affect who you play for Dip… Kinda big of him to want to put a stop to a lifestyle people embraced, and if they feel they need all that colorful shit, let them. At the end of the day, Diplo still gets paid, so fuck it. People want to walk around like circus clowns to fit in, let them do it.
Wearing kandi does not mean you do drugs. It’s expression and I also love the way it creates bonds between the people I meet at raves! I got my first piece of kandi back in ’06 at my first rave in southern California and I’ve been in love with kandi and the rave scene ever since!! 🙂
#diplo wants to make sure people are at these events for the music only? I saw jack ü at hard summer and skrillex was on the mic shouting every other min. You want people to express themselves, as long as it’s the way you want them to. A bit redundant don’t you think?
I think one of the main points he’s trying to make and it’s being really overlooked is that he just wants people and kids to keep it real and to be there at the bloc party as their 100% full conscious self.
Like shit man, is a joint and a cold beer not enough?
going to try and observe this as unbiasedly as possible. he is just passively trying to eliminate a certain type of spectator from his shows. he has generalized all the kandi kids and their toys as immature and having bad judgement which is fine because like everyone keeps saying, he too deserves his own freedom of expression.
In my opinion, you can have as much fun tell as many stories etc. without kandi it is NIT required and if you really have a problem with being at an event for the music, you should just stay home and trade with people while you listen to the radio
I agree with Pasquale. I went to last years MD in San Diego. And it was a blast awesome crowd and yes peeps had there kandi. This might be the difference in that its the west coast so cal. I think the east is a different mindset (I’m not hating) I have lots of friends that live here from east coast and we all rave the same. Too bad for the irresponsible ones.
How are you suppose to “Express Yourself” if Diplo won’t let you :(. Preventing Kandi at shows is like banning guns because they kill people. It’s not the guns, and it’s not the kandi. It’s the people.
There has been this change on what roll the dj plays in this whole thing. The dj is supposed to facilitate the vibe through music so that you enjoy interacting with others. If people show up to listen to diplo and spend the entire time sharing Kandi with everyone and they have a good time. THAT IS THE POINT!!
Pasquale talking about freedom of expression, yet he banned gloving from Insomniac events
Damn diplo that’s so dick.
I love diplo and his music but it looks like he’s doing the image of “being too cool”. I love trading kandis and I fully side with Pasqual on this.
There for the music and not ‘other stuff’? I assume he means drugs. So no kandi means no drugs? I think this douche just doesn’t like kandi kids. What a fruitecake.
Everyone’s mad because Diplo isn’t into the pussy shit of EDM. Makes sense. Judge me by my profile picture, you will, but I sell my masks 😉
Pasquale is the only promoter in America with actual roots in this current EDM culture. Diplo is a rich kid who doesn’t understand the history and this is obvious by attacking the kids who support him.
So stupid.
‘Oh i cant wear kandi here, let me go get high and dance somewhere else’ thats now how its gonna work. You just look like an ass. Just say i dont appreciate drug usage at my shows.
Hell yeah Pasquale!!! At least I can trust that insomniac events will allow kandi!! Much love!! ♡♡
Kandi is for little kids. Grow up and stop trying to show off in that way. we get it, you like raves…just like the next person. now shut up and move on with your life.
its fucked up cause he wants to it haha …. he even started it with the peace
you can’t ban anything from your shows you don’t own the show just the performance quit telling people what to do no matter what it is
Fuck EDM. Shit is fucking whack. #DeepHouse all day.
He band kandi and light gloves so he has no say in this matter
Diplo is a smart business man. He is avoiding lawsuits. Diplo still loves you.
My focus is solely on good music & progressive forward thinking art… I don’t give a fuck about diplo or kandi.
more bullshit that has nothing to do about music.
don’t care.
moving on.
seems like a random thing to ban, I liked Pasquellas response better
ha!!! thats all i have to say ladies and gentleman!!
diplo is such a douche bag, go fuck yourself you dont deserve to be a dj
I will do whatever you want me to DIPLO
wearing kandi does make you look like a fucking salad
Diplo, I love you, and that makes me sad. For real. 🙁
Diplo sucks a small dick!
fight for your right to get fucked up
PSH whatever Diplo goes hard!
Fuck u diplo sorry as motha fucker
His music is shit anyway.
fuck diplo #teamsega
How mean
this is pretty damn stupid
Ok. First off, I agree with Pasquale. EDM is as much about the mood and acceptance of people as it does the actual music. Music is a guide to set the mood for the crowd and bring people together. It’s called DANCE music, and last I checked, dancing was never ment to be done alone.
Secondly, I don’t believe Kandi is counter productive to the show, making bonds and friendships with new people not only enhances a person’s experience of the show, but makes the music feel more personal. I’ve been to concerts for other types of music, and of them all, the best were Hatchet Attacks and EDC Las Vegas. Both made the music so much more than just the songs themselves. It was instant family, with everyone there. THAT is what music is for. Not the fame, not the money, the fans, and the ability to connect with the fans and give them a place where every one accepts them for who they are.
He’s feeling kinda high and might though, eh? Someone who paid to see you perform, someone who supports what you’re doing tried to connect with you when you’re face to face and you blow them off because of something that they are wearing?
Kandi does not equal drugs, like wearing bandanas does not equal gang affiliation
What’s next? Don’t wear tye-dye?
I want to be kandied out wearing a Barney costum with a fluffy monkey backpack and pink neon leg warmers at the main stage waving a 20ft PLUR totem screaming for Steve Aoki to throw a cake on me……lol.
Diplo, I want to personally thank you for finally speaking up to get these wankers out. I support you 100% and hope your tour takes over the entire US festival scene for years to come so we can extinguish the Kandi Kid once and for all. Love it!!!
Pasquale Rotella you my friend have gained more respect from me than i ever thought possible. I was part of the EDC build this year and i will never forget it. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! From going to dance to going to build is an amazing feeling and when people saw my red bracelet all they could say is thank you! Best time of my life!!!!!
I went to the Ft. Lauderdale show where it was sweltering, there was a ton of underage kids, and water was $6 a bottle (no refill stations and they wouldn’t give cups of ice or let you refill in the sinks).
I think if they truly cared about peoples’ lives, instead of banning kandi they’d make sure there was adequate access to water… charge more for the tickets or booze instead.
plur, or whatever lifestyle people claim to follow should transcend pieces of plastic. If you do believe in peace love unity and respect, there are so many other ways of showing that without engaging in rituals, like allow dance space for yourself and others, or share your water, etc./ imo
Obviously diplo is very self-conscious about his music if he thinks the long tradition of trading kandi speading love and making friends is gona take away from the music. He was obviously NOT a true raver!
In this video you can see some of the females lady parts aka THEIR VAGINA!!!
diplo is just another reason why the scene is dead. goodbye good edm, hello trap/twerk garbage.(not saying diplo has no good songs tho, lol)
Denisse Wndrfl Diplo sucks anyways.
I had never heard of him. I just did what most people did and went to see if he had good music. He does. Nice publicity stunt dawg. I like your style.
Yeah thats exactly why he stole and threatened to bury my friend’s perler…
This is what happens when you have DJs thinking they are promoters. Stay in your lane!!!
sersiouly ya fuck diplo kandi rules and theres no reason it should be banned
If they he bans kandi he should ban twerking as well then
God damn candy ravers
Fuck diplo