It’s a big week for The Kingdumb. First they dropped a remix of “Pijama’s Song” two days ago, then they released a collaboration with Lazer Lazer Lazer through Buygore today. Both of which can be downloaded freely, without having to gate through Facebook. So everyone can enjoy a copy.
Both these tracks you’ll want to download too. Not only do they have the similarity of costing $0, but they also both run the trap, if that cliche is still in use. “Lazertwerk” is the more ratchet, grungy sounding of the two, whereas the remix is a more clean, refined sound. When you throw these two into the mix with their other tracks you see that genres get abused by these guys. They can make what they want and they do. And they’re damn good at it. If you don’t know about The Kingdumb, or Lazer Lazer Lazer, then get familiar.