Dillon Francis took to social media today to announce his first ever album record deal, with Columbia Records, for his upcoming album titled Money Sucks, Friends Rule. This announcement was received in a very mixed manner, with many claiming him to be a ‘sellout,’ despite remaining with Mad Decent as well.
Also I have not left Mad Decent they are with me still all the way thru it's Mad Decent X Columbia
Which was followed by him changing his name on twitter to “DILLONSELLOUTFRANCIS” and responded to by Calvin Harris, welcoming him to the elite club of ‘sellouts’ who sign major record deals that everyone else could only dream of.
@DILLONFRANCIS loooool welcome! Ur a sell out man F U for following ur dream of people hearing your music and having a marketing budget
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) May 5, 2014
But really, who can call Dillon Francis a sellout? Not only does he maintain his relationship with his origins at Mad Decent, but he has also remained true to himself the entire way through to this accomplishment; and was even able to include Columbia on the ever-lasting troll:
In the record deal we wrote a clause that Columbia has to send me a 20 dollar gift card to @TacoBell the 5th of each month for 12 months