Pelussje is owning today with two special pieces of content that are being transmitted to you by way of the Your EDM family. A premiere of their music video for the Ultra remix of “Salsoul Nugget (If U Wanna)” comes with fiery dance moves and a whole lot of luchador action; it has so much good stuff it has landed on the lineup for MTV’s Clubland. Combining the active elements with the jolly house edit make for a pleasantly boisterous audiovisual experience that just may influence you enough to get into fight dancing yourself. Good thing is, we have the perfect opportunity awaiting your desire! Just follow me through the lively music video to see just what this special opportunity entails.
Everyone likes a good contest right? Especially if the contest is asking you to film a video with your beloved raver friends, or any friends really. It’s fun, it’s easy and it only requires a camera and Instagram. For the contest, Pelussje teamed up with Sol Republic to giveaway a pair of Master Track headphones, sunglasses, and other exclusive prizes that you’ll just have to wait to find out. All you need to do is film a dance-fight video and upload it to Instagram with the hashtag “SRpelussjegiveaway” and you are all set for a chance to win these awesome prizes. Do you have what it takes to be the best?