Someone who has become a steady resident at the Your EDM home has been Sam Lassner, but you may know him as Prince Fox. His ardor in pushing himself further as an artist is admirable; it also has resulted in plenty of huge releases like his newest one, a remix of “Proxy” by Martin Garrix. He also has something else for you guys, but we can get to that in a little bit.
Right now we have to get to this monster of a remix, or bootleg if you want to get technical, but the original elements Prince created deserves the respect of even being an official remix. It’s festival trap with a twist that takes my breathe away. He busted this one out quickly and I when I previewed the result I was blown away. I still am, and you are about to be.
Remember the something else? Well below it’s one click away that will take you to Wavo; an hour long mix from Sam has entered into a contest via Wavo to open up for Kap Slap, Dotcom and Kasum in Boston on March 15th. Vote here and send Prince Fox on his way, then you can join him! Unless you are like me and far away from there, but even then, vote!