Despite being 73 years old, Giorgio Moroder still is dancing through the music industry like it’s no big deal. His recent success with Daft Punk will be followed in the future by a confirmed collaboration with David Guetta. Moroder told Digital Spy that he “started to work a little bit” with the French producer. Unfortunately, no more news was given on this account.
However, one topic that was covered was pop singers; Giorgio stated he loved them all. Out of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and others, Moroder said he would actually like to work with Miley Cyrus. That could make for quite an interesting product. Likely before that is to happen, Giorgio has other unknown collaborations that will come out in the foreseeable future along with one that will occur in a few days. It’s one of his personal favorite singers which gets me really excited. I want more Moroder; don’t you?