While Hudson Mohawke is more commonly known for his role in TNGHT along with pal Lunice, this young producer still has a strong arsenal of tracks. With this latest mix, he still sets manages to blow minds with a sexy tracklist, and smooth transitions to fill the air with inspiration during today’s holiday.
With the latest endeavor in his “slow jams” mix series, he sets the perfect mood for Valentines day. Scrolling through recognizable true classics like “Whenever You’re Ready” by Five Star, Eddie Holman’s “Hey There Lonely Girl”, and countless others.
It is always truly refreshing to see an artist do something completely irrelevant to electronic music, and on a day of love and celebration, this one could not come better timed. Hit up the free download and get ready for flawless transitions, soulful romanticism, and groovy beats courtesy of the one and only Hudson Mohawke.
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