Well once again the Mau5’s Twitter is no more. After a very eventful afternoon of unfiltered laughter, deadmau5 (or his PR) decided to shut down the @deadmau5 Twitter. This isn’t the first time it has happened, last time he was suspended from the social media site. This time it seems like it was on his own (or PR) volition and he sent an email out to all of the ‘suckscribers’ on his website saying:
just a head up, my twitter account is gone lol. oops. . good riddance noise machine. 🙂 ill just keep all my online activity to this site now. 🙂 huzzah
Will this be the last time we hear from Deadmau5 on Twitter? Probably not, but for now we wait.
“..deadmau5 (or his PR) decided to shut down the @deadmau5 ” – but why hence the “(or his PR)” .. bollocks Jonathan. Just sayin’