Holy Ship!!! embarked on its EDM cruise for the third year on Thursday, and all the people at the Pantheon Theater deck were in for a is-this-really-happening moment for their first night.
The schedule showed a mysterious of “???” from 3-4 AM, and that surprise guest turned out to be none other than Tiesto. Spin magazine described his set as “down-and-dirty house, but soon transitions to his PLUR bread-and-butter: song after song of #epic posivibes choruses followed by a grinning melodic build, resolving in a completely buckwild drop.” Zedd, Skrillex, Diplo, A-Trak and ship captain Destructo all joined Tiesto on stage, and the set ended “in an all-star conga line circling Tiesto’s table.”
For more Holy Ship!!! highlights from Thursday, including DIY cabin decor and other memorable sets, visit Spin.
does Skrillzy have gunzzz????? #whadamadkiunt #imfuckingjoking
Talkin’ this story up later @pulse87ny! Thanks Ji-Sook! #lovely #edmlady!