A simple search on Youtube reveals a myriad of “Get Lucky” covers, from girls with acoustic guitars to a “vintage Irish tenor” band. Latest to join this fad is none other than alleged Beatles destroyer Yoko Ono. These days, the Japanese artist spends her days advocating for peace and tweeting such profound statements as, “I think it’s impossible to see a chair as it is…” The minute-long video features an artistic reinterpretation of the popular Daft Punk song, utilizing screeching voice to convey heartfelt emotion. I suggest you turn the volume down on this one.
Yoko Ono – Get Lucky (Daft Punk cover)
While the above video is indeed a joke mashup, the screaming Yoko is not. This comes from a performance art piece entitled “Voice Piece for Soprano,” which you can watch in its entirety here.
I don’t know how to respond………
Mother of…