What originally started as a iPhone voice note between Felix Cartal and Koko LaRoo has blossomed into one of the more beautiful acoustic renditions of an EDM tune we’ve ever laid our ears on. In honor of breaking the big 100k ‘likes’ milestone on his Facebook, Cartal and LaRoo have released an absolutely gorgeous unplugged mix of their recent tune, ‘Young Love‘.
Koko LaRoo‘s vocal contribution is absolutely on point; simple, breathy, beautiful, I just can’t say enough. The accompanying ‘finger-picked’ guitar is vaguely reminiscent of Iron and Wine with a bright yet with a distinct melancholy tone to it. Cartal‘s added string score lends body and ambience to the track, but thankfully stops well short of becoming total cheese.
Hats off to Felix and Koko, for creating an acoustic mix that stands as strongly on its own as the original piece. Last but not least, it’s a free download, so be sure to check it out below!
Felix Cartal – Young Love (feat. Koko LaRoo) [Acoustic Mix]
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