Norman Doray pays tribute to French House in his groovy new track Filtre. French House is also known sometimes as ‘Filter House’ and Doray‘s new track plays with this both in name and in execution. With an emphasis on a simple yet catchy loop, Filtre aptly rides the filter to control the flow of energy, letting the groove smoothly glide in and out. (I know how that sounds, but it’s oh so right).
This is one of those tracks that speaks to the true house enthusiast in me. It doesn’t need any grit, or gimmicks to grab attention, it’s simple and well executed and proves that one sample can keep your attention and energy for well over five minutes, if done right. Fans of French, tech, and plain old house music will dig this one without a doubt. Check it below and get into the groove!
Norman Doray – Filtre (Original Mix)
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