Leave it to reddit users to bring up the tough questions: one wondered if ARTY’s Avicii tribute song “Tim” wasn’t exactly identical to Chris Brown’s “Beautiful People” with Benny Benassi.
Being the curious folk that we are, we decided to give the two a listen side by side, and the answer is: yes, certain parts of the songs are frightfully similar. Of particular interest are the lead synths in both songs. Each uses seemingly the same staccato rhythm and is produced in a nearly identical key.
ARTY’s synth is much more toward the front of the production, as there really aren’t any lyrics to obscure it, but it’s undeniably the same.
Others on the reddit thread which proposed the question compared “Tim” to ARTY’s “Together We Are” or “Goodbye Friend” by David Guetta and The Script.
Take a listen to both songs below for yourself.
Photo via Rukes.com