At time of publishing, there are 6 hours left on the eBay auction for a 1999 Ford Taurus that was “customized” by The Chainsmokers and Rory Kramer on the latter’s show “Dare To Live.” The car had its roof sawed off, turning it into a permanent convertible, but that’s hardly important as the car isn’t actually legal to drive: it has no seatbelts and the rear of the car is completely exposed.
Rory Kramer has chosen to sell this car to benefit the Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy, a local Land Conservancy where Kramer grew up. “When I come home it’s always important to me to reground myself. I come to my friend Sean’s bar The Venue because he supported me before I had anything and now that I have a little bit of success, it’s important to me to repay him for what he did for me,” said Kramer.
At time of publishing, the bid on the vehicle is up to $1,135 with a total of 45 bids, but that’s expected to increase dramatically as the final time of the auction draws closer.
You can bid on the car yourself here.
Photos by Rukes, Chris Yoder