The tragic death of a Burning Man participant isn’t the only devastating happening to come out of the 2017 installment of the festival…
In an unrelated incident, an attendee was reportedly hit by a car while sleeping in a tent and air-lifted to the hospital. The accident occurred Monday night, but the victim still remains in critical condition. Of the nearly 70,000 people at the annual gathering this was one of two serious, life-threatening situations.
Aaron Joel Mitchell, the man who jumped into the flames during the fire ritual, died Sunday morning from fatal burns. No alcohol was found in his system and toxicology reports are still pending.
Nevada’s Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen told Rolling Stone, “Once you have somebody run in there and burn to death, that raises our concerns that somebody else will try to do it again.”
“There have been attempts before,” he said. “It’s part of the mantra of Burning Man: radical self-expression. There have been several times that people have gotten into the fire the next day, when the Man is completely burned, to get into the ash pile and extract pieces as part of their experience at the festival. We’ve had burns to the hands, the feet, the legs.”
Source: Rolling Stone