G-house has been steadily on the rise seeing as its so easy to get down to. With lots of g-house acts popping up left and right, it’s hard to keep up with all of them. One act that should be on your radar, however, is BØATS. The Boston based duo recently released their take on Anna Lunoe’s “Godzilla” and it will have you shuffling late into the night.
Stripping away everything except the vocals, BØATS have really made the track their own. We hear the original verse come in after the intro combined with industrial sounding wubs in the background. The suspense builds up, making the listener eager to see where the remix is headed. As the drop comes in, bass hits the listener hard with hi-hats grooves that get the listener moving. The remix is part of the Wavo contest, so be sure to throw the song a heart on Wavo if you like it!
Check out the tune below: