Lou Adler & Paul Tollett, the creators of Coachella, were featured on Beats 1 OTHERtone, talking music festivals, lineups and origins…
Most interestingly, they briefly talked about Daft Punk and the likelihood of them returning to Coachella. When jokingly asked if Pharrell could use his pull to get them to come back — since he has the closest ties with them after working on the hit song “Get Lucky” –he said they’re not repeaters and “don’t like doing the same thing twice.”
Ugh. It’s news that doesn’t come as a total shock, as Daft Punk has been quiet when it comes to any form of music or performances, but it still stings a little.
Daft Punk is regularly the most “rumored” artist to play Coachella, although it’s usually more of a vague hope than any kind of substantial rumor.
Listen to the full Beats 1 OTHERtone interview with Lou Adler & Paul Tollett here!