Deadmau5 has been in the news again lately for his rants about his upcoming album, but it’s actually a recent trip back in time that has me most eager to listen in on the man’s thoughts.
On one of his recent Twitch live streams, something the producer does fairly often, Deadmau5 revisited a bunch of his classics and talked about some of his most famous tracks from his debut album Get Scraped all the way to works from his sixth (second to last) studio album > album title goes here <. Spanning close to 90 minutes long, the entire stream winds up being a super nostalgic experience for most old-school Deadmau5 fans.
Check out the surprisingly silent stream below provided by YouTuber Wanza7, who even graciously timestamped each track that was played for the curious.
H/T: We Rave You | Image: Rukes