On Tuesday, an alleged leak was uploaded to Youtube of an upcoming collaboration between The Chainsmokers and OneRepublic frontman, Ryan Tedder to the shock and frenzy of their respective fanbases. The track received so much attention that both parties were forced to take to Twitter to debunk the rumors of the clearly fake upload.
They described the upload as “hilariously fake,” with The Chainsmokers adding that once they do finally get around to releasing the real collaboration, “it’s gonna be f*cking awesome.”
Today, however, we’ve found the source of the “leak” video presumed to be the song in question. More than a month ago, French duo Lumberjack and Arensky’s “Sky” was remixed by French artist Trinix. The flip features a significant emphasis on the original’s vocals, transforming the vibe into a massive, future bass swayer with tight sound design and a groovy core.
While the vocalist on “Sky” admittedly does sound a lot like Ryan Tedder, the production quality and overall arrangement are not quite at the level of The Chainsmokers. These things are obvious now that we’ve had a good look at the comparison. But to the untrained ear, especially one that’s riding the hype of a potential unreleased Chainsmokers track, we can definitely see where the confusion came from.
Listen to the remix below, and keep twiddling your thumbs for the official OneRepublic collaboration.
Image: Billboard