Snapchat took everyone by surprise on Thursday when they announced Spectacles, glasses that can record up to 30-second videos and upload them to a user’s Snapchat account. Announced with news that Snapchat is rebranding as Snap, Inc., the Spectacles draw a clear parallel to the failed Google Glass glasses that Google released, but these glasses promise to be more focused, more affordable and more stylish.
Snap, Inc. revealed further information on the Spectacles, covering features, battery life and more. Among previously announced information stating the Spectacles cost $130 and contain a 115-degree lens, the new product from Snap, Inc. will come in three colors: black, teal and coral. Additionally, users of Spectacle will be able to either store snaps on their glasses or transfer them to their accompanying Snapchat account either via Wi-Fi for Android devices or via a bluetooth connection from the glasses or via Wi-Fi for higher resolution snaps for iOS devices.
The Spectacles battery life runs for a day, and the battery life displays on an outer-facing light above the lens once double tapped. The Spectacles will come with a charging case and cable, and the charging case will be able to provide four full charges to the Spectacles once fully charged. Snap, Inc. revealed that only a limited number of the Spectacles would be released, but we suspect their demand to outweigh supply if the initial hype carries over to solid sales.
Watch the Spectacles announcement video below:
H/T: The Verge