Okay, this is big. No, wait, this is huge. In Skrillex‘s Beats 1 Radio show last night, the man himself debuted a new song that he simply called “Bonus Track.” The song in question is indubitably in the From First To Last soundscape and clearly features vocals from their original lead, the one-and-only Sonny Moore. Listen below and hear for yourself.
Now this could just be some old unreleased jam, some might say… but it goes even deeper. The group then shared Skrillex’s Facebook post for the radio show, prompting an explosion of discussion from fans. Just now they also posted the article from Alternative Press, who was the first to bring this to light and also speculated heavily that they were reforming.
They noted:
“Guitarist Matt Good revealed that new FFTL music was being written on May 1. When the band released their reunion album, Dead Trees (which featured Periphery’s Spencer Sotelo on vocals), Good said Moore was interested in some sort of collaboration, but his schedule seems to have never lined up with the rest of the band’s—until now? (2016 also marks the 10-year anniversary of Moore’s final record with the band: Heroine.)”
While we don’t have official confirmation (yet), this certainly seems convincing. Let’s just hope it’s everything we think it is…