This year’s Tomorrowland installment was characterized by incredible stage production, an expansive lineup and, of course, the unveiling of countless ID tracks from some of the biggest names in the genre. Among them was Martin Garrix, who headlined the festival’s main stage on Sunday evening to a welcoming Belgium crowd. During his set, he played out several brand new songs, one of which will be officially this Friday.
“In The Name of Love” was first heard several months ago to the excitement of Garrix’s ever-expanding fanbase. Featuring vocal work from Bebe Rexha and an undeniable catchiness, the track was once again performed on Sunday evening. The track, which can be heard in the player below, will be formally released through Sony Music International on Friday, July 29, coming as the very first debut under his new deal with the label.
Several other IDs were played out during his Tomorrowland set, including an upcoming collaborations with Florian Picasso and Alesso. Check out both of them below, and keep your eyes peeled for the brand new release on Friday.