Co-created by Swedish House Mafia’s Sebastian Ingrosso, N1CE popsicles are an adult frozen cocktail that comes in the form of a 5% alcohol popsicle (I fondly call them ‘alcohopsicles’).
N1CE pops come in four delectable flavors, including margarita and mojito, and we’re sure the product would be a second coming of the once ubiquitous Four Loko. But apparently there’s a petition going around to ban these incredible treats from grocery stores across Sweden, and it’s already accumulated over 3,600 signatures. Yet, the naysayers have a point.
It’s a law in Sweden that beverages containing over 3.5% alcohol cannot be sold in commercial storefronts, and N1CE has exploited the loophole since it’s technically not a beverage. As a result of the massive complaints, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs will be initiating an investigation of the company in the fall. Still, N1CE is maintaining that they’ve done nothing wrong, and issued the following statement:
“Because of EU legislation from 2004, there is no statutory age limit for the product, which is unfortunate. Since 2015 we have had a strict age limit of 18 and over for our product. This is also what the Swedish Grocers’ Federation (Svensk Dagligvaruhandel) has pushed for, which we are in favour of.”
H/T Death and Taxes