Have you ever pictured a friendly community where you and your fellow vape users can engage in meaningful vape-related conversation and choose from a whole variety of juice vendors to satisfy your vaping needs? Because if so, look no further than EDC Las Vegas’s new vape initiative: Vape Village.
Honestly, it’s been a few hours since I’ve seen this link and I’m still very much trying to process the fact that vaping has taken off so much that one that one of the premiere festivals in the world has built and named a specialty area for all the vape-users out there. What’s next? A specialty outdoor booth where people can print out and trade memes? Kidding…but not really because that could be pretty funny actually.
(EDC does have kandi making stations, and we’re totally down with that, by the way.)
Anyway, the rules of Vape Village (love the alliteration) are simple. You may bring your vapes with empty tanks into said village where you will be able to purchase from different vendors. Outside liquid is not allowed for standard safety reasons, I’d assume. The list of permitted devices includes “refillable vape pens, eGo devices, mods, and APVs.” Based on the amount of variety listed, we’re assuming that vape aficionados will find themselves quite at home here.
Obviously, the reasoning behind Vape Village makes 100% sense as all of the unchecked liquid juice coming in and out of the festival makes for a potentially huge safety hazard, but that doesn’t make it any less funny to me. Check out the very official Instagram post below if you still think I’m joking!
Featured Image Source: Insomniac