In the last three years since Beatport was acquired by SFX, the online service has chased an ambitious vision to broaden their platform as a one-stop dance music shop.
However, in their effort to provide such an engaging experience, Beatport seems to have lost sight of their original promise to the DJ community. As such, they’ll be shutting down all services besides their online store, returning the company’s focus to what made Beatport so great in the first place. We’ve got to applaud this difficult decision, and on top of it all, they’re suspending the auctioning of the company. Right on, Beatport.
Here’s a portion of the statement below, and click here to read the message in its entirety.
“We have learned through this process however, that in our effort to be so many different things, we lost focus on bringing the best possible service and capabilities to our most loyal customers: the DJ community. As such, we have determined to invest in what is most important to our business and our customers, rather than adding yet another choice to a sea of streaming services.
This means we will be shutting down the Streaming service and mobile app, Beatport News, the Video livestreaming platform, and the Events section effective May 13, 2016. Additionally, while we plan to continue considering offers for Beatport, the previously detailed auction process will be suspended for now. We’d like to give our heartfelt thanks to all of the loyal listeners, readers, and viewers who have come to enjoy these services over the past year, as well as all the labels, artists, and promoters who have participated in them.”
H/T Beatport