Leave it to Oliver Heldens to have his songs feature the best music videos. From highlighting the best clips of his fans dancing in his “Bunnydance” video to dressing up like various animals in the “Shades of Grey” music video, Heldens knows how to make videos that don’t check off the common tropes in EDM music videos. For his latest music video, Heldens teams up Chocolate Puma to give a visual voice to their new collaboration “Space Sheep.”
The music video to “Space Sheep” is a stop motion video that captures the story behind the track’s humorous title. Heldens’ farm of sheep escape into space after his one black sheep (get it?) stumbles upon a magic piece of grass that turns him into a hulking mastermind. Chocolate Puma make cameo appearances as scientists, and by the end of the video the duo and Heldens have become servants to the black sheep. Absurd, yes. Awesome, also yes. Created by UBERcut and Animate the World, the video is a great entry to Heldens’ growing music video library.
Watch the “Space Sheep” music video below: