Back in October, Major Lazer premiered their new show on Beats 1, Lazer Sounds. It’s an eclectic collection of music presented by Diplo, all appealing to Major Lazer’s twerk-friendly ethos. Considering Diplo has had plenty of practice at this whole radio thing with his own Diplo & Friends show, it makes sense that Lazer Sounds is nothing but quality. And the all-important guest mix isn’t lost either; the honor was given to Jauz on their latest episode.
For most of the show, it’s the typical Lazer Sounds vibe of stellar music and non-stop energy, but during the last 40 minutes of the show, Jauz throws down an explosive guest mix. Before the mix, Diplo and Jauz chat a bit about the Sharksquad and the experience of building what is now a world-renowned brand. Apparently the two have also been working on a collaboration for over a year, and it’s set to be featured on Jauz’ forthcoming EP… Have a listen to the full episode below, and check out the tracklist here. If you want to skip right to the Jauz mix, it starts at 1:19 and features a big new ID about halfway through. Enjoy!