Earlier this month Joe Sussingham and Bryce Bresnan, better known as duo Coyote Kisses, were named one of “Beatport’s 10 artists to Watch in 2016” by LA tastemakers Brownies and Lemonade. Following that exciting news, the duo has just released their latest single “The Deep,” out on Next Wave Records.
The duo has developed something of a cult-following after a wave of hits in their unique, infectious bass-style. Lying somewhere in the happy intersection between future bass and future trap, “The Deep” keeps you on the edge of your seat, weaving seamlessly between the two genres to showcase some of the finest in what’s now become LA’s ‘staple sound.’ So add “The Deep” to another one of the “iconic tracks” that Beatport’s been raving about and let’s see what 2016 has in store for them! In Beatport’s own words:
After dropping one iconic track after another…be on the lookout for a huge 2016 from these two.
Stream “The Deep” below and pick it up on iTunes here!