Ephwurd, the shwifty duo comprised of Bais Haus and Datsik, is back with a nostalgic bass house nightmare. Following last month’s “High On You,” the two have dished out another helping of uncompromising vocals to craft “Bring It Back.” The entire tune is relentlessly gritty, and garnished to taste with their staple flavor of wrenching sound design.
Keeping with Ephwurd’s four-on-the-floor endeavor, “Bring It Back” does exactly what you’d expect. Clashing their snarling expertise once again into a driving bass house contender, this track is a conglomerate of all things dance, both past and present. Ominous Knife Party-esque strings tense up the introduction, and the hyped vocals of “It Takes Two” fill out the backdrop. Even Kill Bill’s take on Quincy Jones’ “Ironside” makes an appearance before nodding to the breakbeats of the 90s. And we can’t ignore those guttural synths rippling through the mix to supplement the track’s sharp percussion.
Courtesy of Doorn Records, “Bring It Back” will become available on 12/28. Have a listen below, and don’t forget to throw some love to Ephwurd on their socials.
On top of throwing down another top release for the holidays, Ephwurd wants you at their New York show! The duo is giving away a pair of tickets to see them at NYC’s Pier 94 alongside Knife Party, Oliver Heldens, and SNBRN for one glorious night of facemelt. All you need to do is click below to enter the contest before 12/26, and we’ll select a winner to receive two GA tickets for the show on 12/29.