I don’t think I am the only one who’s had eyes on PatrickReza lately. Well, I hope he’s prepared because I think his fan base is about to grow even larger. He just released his “BBHMM” remix originally by Rihanna, and seriously I think this is the only remix I’ve heard that makes me glad Rihanna made this song to begin with.
The track is so intense, generating hit after hit of energizing bass house womps and hard hitting bass. Rihanna’s vocals sounds awesome in the trap infused breakdown. I’d be giving her the money she’s owed if she rolled up to my house playing this track, that’s for sure. PatrickReza gets a ten out of ten on this track in my book, and I am certain there will be no disappointed fans when they listen to this. This artist is on a really huge rise, and I cannot wait to see what else he has in store for everyone.
Check out more from PartickReza by following him on his social media links below, and grab this track now because it’s available as a free download!