It’s been over a year since Paul Baumer‘s passing, and we sorely miss his talent. Bingo Players will always be plural though, as Maarten Hoogstraten is determined to continue the legacy with his first completely solo release of the massive house anthem “Nothing To Say.”
Due out February 2nd, this track follows the release of “Knock You Out” from nearly nine months ago… the last record which Paul worked on.
It’s safe to say that Bingo Players isn’t going to slow down anytime soon, as this record is a refreshingly unique one in a realm diluted with similar sounding tracks. Catchy melodies are perfectly complimented by driving bass lines and capped by impeccable sound design in this awesome festival anthem.
Dear YOUREDM management,
Please prevent employees/publishers from posting tracks or publicizing artists that are by no means original.
– The only person that cares about defending EDM culture anymore.
Im sad cause it sucks :/