Tiesto took to CES to help promote his new partnership with Audiofly, a headphone company that is looking to take on the big guys. With headphones being one of the hardest markets to enter, Tiesto is helping put a brand and face to the new headphone company as it gears up to compete against the likes of Beats Music & V-moda.
Being a pretty face and a powerful brand name isn’t the only role Tiesto plays with Audiofly. Tiesto has reportedly been apart of the process the whole time, designing the colors, packaging and other details about the product. The 19 minute interview is one of the first pushes Audiofly has made to further expose its relationship with Tiesto as well as provide more information on its target market.
When asked how they differ from other headphone products, team Audiofly wasn’t able to really identify the differences they bring to the table. The headphones are named after Tiesto’s hit songs and it would appear Audiofly is banking 100% on the push that Tiesto is hopefully capable of.
You can check out the interview below and be the judge yourself:
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Photo Credit: Rukes