I first premiered “Frontier” from Krale back in October. What a coincidence it was to find out that his mentor was Danzfolk, whom I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing on more than one occasion.
It comes as no surprise then that the master would remix the apprentice’s track… or maybe it does. I’m not sure how wide that trope applies, but whatever. The fact is, Danzfolk does what they do best and cinematically, cosmically erupt with a huge sound that envelops and absorbs you. The build is extended, the vocals are delayed, the sense of suspense is probably pushed to its utmost maximum. However, the drop is actually double tempo from the original – a very interesting contrast with the synths since those seem to remain at relatively the same tempo as the original.
Still, it’s in the breakdowns after the first regular drop that Danzfolk truly shine. That is no different here as the tempo switches up and becomes closer to glitch than drumstep and bringing the vocals back in. The last drop, same as the first, serves as a rather appropriate epilogue for the journey we’ve just been subjected to.