In a rather unfortunate series of events, it appears the infamous torrent site The Pirate Bay has been taken offline. In what was reportedly a Swedish police raid, a server room in Greater Stockholm was raided by the police under the violation of copyright laws. It is not yet certain if the site being down is a result of the police’s raid but it does seem very likely given that all but 1 of the founders of the site are currently in prison. Regardless of what happens moving forward, it is important to understand that illegal piracy does have its small share of positive impacts, and numerous producers of varying size have acknowledged the use of cracked software or VSTs.
Torrentfreak received the following confirmation from the Swedish police:
There has been a crackdown on a server room in Greater Stockholm. This is in connection with violations of copyright law,” read a statement from Paul Pintér, police national coordinator for IP enforcement.
We’ll do our best to keep you updated on the situation as more news comes to light.
Source: Gizmodo