Damn, the Australian duo SLUMBERJACK dropped quite the massive EP recently through onelove. Self-titled, this project represents what these cats are all about; primarily, providing top quality music that develops the sounds we are currently hearing. Their future style is perfectly embodied in the introductory single, “The Others,” which is a sensual bass anthem that features KLP. However, don’t think that “future” should be used exclusively in the genre form of the term, because “Horus” hits next as one of the cleanest twerk productions that has hit the public this year. Bringing things back to the style more aligned with the first single, “Body Cry” featuring the tastemaker Father Dude comes in to shatter your feels into oblivion in the best way possible. Lastly, “Felon” is a left-field trap banger that will surely be one of the more interesting tracks you hear this week. Get the lot of them through iTunes below and make yourself happy this Tuesday evening.
Home Bass Music Trap SLUMBERJACK Drop Self-Titled EP Through onelove