Geez does time fly by, which is good, because the weekend is finally here; but, it’s also bad because the weekend is going to be over in an instant, especially if you’re having a good time. To help fill your time and thirst for dank music, we have for you seven tracks that have been recently released, five of them being freely downloadable to you.
We start off with one of the most talented kids in the industry, Brooks Brown, who’s helping to usher in a new generation of innovative creatives. Then we have Our Time and Wuki on their acid bounce remix of “Back Up In This.” And yes, I said acid and bounce together. Ribellu keeps up the energy with “Celtic Jungle,” a whopping original that has no regard for civility; you’ll have no choice but to get wild. A new artist to our site, La’Reda, blesses us with a sensual remix of “God’s Whisper.” It’s six minutes of house heaven. In keeping with the house sound, but moving into progressive, we have RyanOtter, who steps away from his usual big room sound to give us something inspiring. Shifting gears, we move to “Safe Return” by Feki, which will seduce your ears and soul in just a matter of minutes. Lastly, White Panda turned up an official remix of “Shut Up and Dance With Me.” There hasn’t been too much progressive that’s stuck with me lately, but this is something that made an impression. Have a listen to all of these goodies and grab the ones you dig.