Here’s a little dose of weird to kick your Halloween weekend off right: a bass fueled trip through the wormhole courtesy of Oakland native, Intellitard. His latest EP Chocolate Unicorn Music provides a buffet of wonky beats and is easily some of his best work yet. Bright, sparkling synths are contrasted with heavy purple bass lines and gritty midrange to form a sonic soup your ears will gladly slurp up. Sensual, pixelated vocal samples are layered throughout the tracks to top everything off. This is experimental bass music at it’s finest and the intent behind it is even finer: the inspiration for this EP came from Intellitard‘s girlfriend and the release date (today!) matches her date of birth.
Some all original music is a gift any audiophile can appreciate and we’re stoked Intellitard has made this a gift we can all enjoy! Check out the full stream of our favorite track after the jump and grab your own copy of Chocolate Unicorn Music via name-your-price download on his Bandcamp.
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