PLANET’S MAD… “the second album from the twisted mind of Baauer” has arrived.
The highly anticipated release is a deep exploratory journey, fueled by worldly sounds and rhythms that ring true to the Baauer project at its core. With its unruly and unpredictable nature, PLANET’S MAD, keeps us guessing at every turn and seeking for meaning beneath all the madness.
Just yesterday Baauer premiered his sophomore album with an unearthly full-length movie as his fully realized concept hit our eager eyes and ears for the first time. It all began with a strange green planet…
Not knowing how to react, our world goes mad: cities burn, cults form to worship the new planet, and the Earth looks destined for self-inflicted destruction until a select few decide to welcome the alien planet with an open mind and discover that our bizarre guests are not so bad after all.
Today’s album’s release coincides with Bandcamp’s Juneteenth initiative, in which Bandcamp is donating sales of the album from its release day to the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund.
Listen here.
Photo via We Have OCD