Carnage premiered his new documentary, The Price of Greatness, on YouTube two days ago. Looking at the numbers, it appears to be doing great, but Ghastly assumes something more nefarious is afoot.
“My fans are the best,” Carnage tweeted yesterday, “they’ve never stopped showing me love….I’m proud to announce we have officially crossed 530,000 views in 24 hours on the documentary.” The documentary is currently at 703,000 views at time of publishing.
Today, Ghastly decided to finally respond on the subject in a tweet that has since been deleted. “I wasn’t gonna say anything but buying fake views and then lying to us about it, sorry but that just isn’t cool man – a video with near a million views and only 2k likes, it’s not like it wasn’t obvious.”
Curious to find a control video, we looked around on YouTube to compare view/like ratios: one video with only 110,000 views had 7.7k likes, nearly 4x what Carnage’s video has with basically one seventh of the views; another video with a more comparable 628,000 views has 9.2k likes, still far more than what Price of Greatness is showing. Both are also long-form videos in the music category.
Of course, this is by no means proof that Carnage is buying fake views. If this video is pulling views from an embed, for example, likes won’t accrue on the YouTube upload. Likewise, if the ad placed on the video (and there very likely is one) is incorrectly managed, it could accrue views without likes to match.
So far, Carnage has not responded to Ghastly. Your EDM has also reached out to his management for comment but have not heard back at time of publishing.