Without a doubt, Black Tiger Sex Machine had one of the best sets at Lost Lands this year, hands down. In the midst of their hour-long descent into madness, they dropped this unreleased collab with YOOKiE, “Spiders.” Just telling you the name of the track will probably call your memory back to that epic drop…
The first drop is atonal, textured, and chaotic. It’s just pure bass, and it’s that sort of intense wall of sound that makes you clutch your chest and hope for the best. The second drop is where things get more interesting, pumping up the tempo and adding some unique rhythm to the mix.
“Spiders” overall is meant to sound like the intense anxiety and horror you get when you see something dark with lots of legs crawling on the wall or, god forbid, too close to your face. And it conveys that feeling brilliantly.
Listen to “Spiders” from Black Tiger Sex Machine & YOOKiE below.
Photo via Rukes.com