Mac Miller‘s beloved mixtape, K.I.D.S. is expected to hit streaming platforms in 2019, nine years after its initial release. This, according to Benjy Grinberg of Rostrum Records.
In the Instagram post below, he reveals:
On this 9th anniversary of the first tape that Mac and Rostrum put out together, I’m excited to announce that “K.I.D.S.” will be available on all streaming services later this year! After Macadelic came out, Mac asked if we could clear this one next. It has been challenging but we are getting through it. We miss Mac every day and we see our job as making sure his music lives on. We love you, Mac.
In the wake of the Mac’s passing, his supporters found comfort in listening to his entire catalog of music, including his most recent, Swimming. The album shot to No. 1 for a short time on Apple Music following his death. At one point following the tragedy, he also had seven total albums on the Billboard 200 chart.
Soon, K.I.D.S. — aka Kickin’ Incredibly Dope Shit — will be available as well.
His fourth mixtape originally released on August 13, 2010.
Mac Miller ‘K.I.D.S.’ Coming Soon