In what ended up being a year-long tale, the story of Bo Mason and deadmau5 should have been one of inspiration and hope. Beginning January 2017, deadmau5 found Mason’s music and fell in love with it, eventually issuing a promise that if he reached one million total plays across all his songs, he would fly Mason out to mau5trap and produce an album for him.
Mason reached that million mark in November 2017.
alright… @BoMason25 you done did it. 1 million plays… and im a mau5 of my word, so i shall be clearing up my production schedule for ya sometime mid december. 😛 grats btw.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) November 9, 2017
Unfortunately, as Mason has told us, he hasn’t heard from deadmau5 since then, despite repeated attempts to reach out to both him and his management. “Based on my accomplishments, I do feel that I deserve the opportunity I was promised,” said Mason. “I do understand that it may be out of reach now, but I do want my follow up story to be heard by my fans and supporters who worked so hard to help make my dreams come true.”
It is now August 2018, and Mason has released his first-ever music video and is looking forward to releasing his full album later this month (without deadmau5’s assistance). Listen to “Mona Lisa” below.
tell me why people are somehow excited over this, aside from his spamming everywhere
good music
no i meant like why are people excited over the mau5 ignoring him
? research
you might already know this, but for the 5% who don’t know, youredm followed up with the mau5’s comments