Music festival cancellations are happening left and right in the US, but European festivals are flourishing. However, one festival has just been permanently cancelled. Bråvalla Music Festival, Sweden’s biggest festival, has ended due to rampant sexual assaults.
Bråvalla organizers announced the permanent cancellation of the festival. Last year, there were a reported four rapes and 23 sexual assault cases. The year before, there were a reported five rapes and at least 12 sexual assault cases. Bråvalla previously announced its 2018 event would be cancelled, but this news signals the festival’s permanent end.
We covered a new women-only Swedish music festival last year, called Statement Festival, that launched in response Bråvalla. The Swedish music festival contingency seems ready to move on; even Bråvalla’s PR rep has admitted the festival needed to end. PR rep Kajsa Apelqvist told Sweden’s Norrköpings Tidningar newspaper the following:
“It’s a very disappointing decision to take, but the overall picture we have is that we cannot develop the festival in the way we want to be relevant to our visitors in the future. We have always claimed that it is not a festival problem but a social problem. How we ensure our visitors’ safety is something we are constantly developing, and that’s something we’ll never finish.”
We would say RIP, but in this case, good riddance Bråvalla. May better festivals grace Sweden soon.
So, victory for SJWs?
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