Spotify is asking its users if they’d be willing to pay $30 a month for an unlimited data plan…
Well, would you?
More specifically, here’s the hypothetical question recently posed by the music streaming company (screenshot below via Android Police): Imagine that Spotify offered a mobile data-only plan (i.e. without normal voice calls and texts) for $30 per month, which included unlimited 4G data as well as a subscription to Spotify. How likely would you be to switch from you current mobile phone plan to this Spotify data-only plan?
This might actually be appealing for many data users — especially those who use third-party voice and messaging apps. People that aren’t necessarily attached to a phone number might find this type of data plan would work awesome for them. Throw music into the mix and this offer doesn’t sound too shabby!
The music streaming giant must be considering getting into the data market as well, which would mean it could compete with other similar services like never before.
Unfortunately, Spotify leaves out the option of uncertainty for those on the fence about this proposed data plan. The options are warm, hot, or cold — no lukewarm here. Would you be likely to switch from your current data plan for this one? Or not so much?
Current premium subscription pricing and offers here.
Spotify Feels Out Data Plan with Users
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Source: Android Police