We’ve been patient with Kanye West. We’ve sat back and watched with mouths wide open as his stream of consciousness landed on Twitter for all to see, retweet, analyse, and disperse. As he revealed new thoughts on Trump, conservatism, blackness, fashion, music and more, we accepted Kanye for who he was. And then, he strolled into the TMZ offices in Hollywood and said “slavery was a choice.”
Kanye said, “When you hear about slavery for 400 years… for 400 years?! That sounds like a choice.”
He’s been all about “free speech” and “free thought” this past week, and we respect his right to say what he wants. But he’s clearly found the line at which people will no longer follow him blindly. TMZ’s Harvey Levin stood speechless as West continued to explain his stance, but employee Van Lathan wasn’t having any of it.
Lathan quipped back in an incredibly intelligent and challenging monologue against West that left the rapper/producer/designer speechless in his own way.
At what point will we turn against Kanye? It feels like it’ll be soon, but who knows… watch the video below.
1. Kanye didn’t say it was a choice. He said «Sounds like a choice».
2. Kanye was right! Jubilation was not the universal response to Emancipation in 1865. Some slaves were sorry, and others were hurt. Substantial numbers of freed slaves had no wish to leave the plantation and they stayed with their masters, some for a decade or longer. Many left for weeks or months and then returned to their old plantations.
Sounds like a choice