Jauz’s debut album is quickly becoming one of our most anticipated of the year, with singles featuring DJ Snake and Example already released, two more singles confirmed with Crankdat and Adventure Club, one possible collaboration with either Knife Party, LAZER LAZER LAZER, or i_o, and then this one below which was teased yesterday via his label Bite This.
Based on the sound of the teaser, our guesses could have gone any which way for who the featured artist was. Fortunately, some observant eyes noticed Snails share the video on his personal Facebook page with the snails and shark emojis, essentially confirming the collaboration.
We never would have guessed Snails as the song is largely missing any of his signature vomitstep sound, but maybe that’s in another drop? We only have part of the song below, so who knows for sure, but we’re excited nonetheless!
Check out the video from Looptopia music festival in Taiwan below.
Photo via Rukes.com