The English treasure that is Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, or TEED, has been curiously absent from New Music Fridays for a number of years. Since 2014, he’s been hosting radio shows on Rinse FM and just 8 months ago he put out a new mix, but it’s been nearly four years since he’s put out a new single.
That changed yesterday – in celebration of his own birthday, TEED put out the new emotionally captivating single “Leave A Light On,” which plays out as a brilliant blend of M83 and James Blake soundscapes.
TEED’s voice positively croons atop acoustic piano notes and subtle percussion, as glittering synths wash over the mix and inscribe a sense of ethereal bliss over everything.
The song is only just over 4 minutes, but it feels as if it last a lifetime.
TEED writes in the track description, “It’s my birthday, and as a present to myself I want to finally put out some music – so here is a song for you. It’s called ‘Leave A Light On.’
“This is just on soundcloud, there is no management, label, publisher, pr, marketing, so excuse the amateur vibes. It’s just me (and some supportive friends). In fact this is not a smart thing to do at all. But I owe it to myself to break out of this cycle of not releasing music. No sob story necessary, just trust making this album has been incredibly hard.
“love you all, thank you for supporting, and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long – orlando x.”
If you read that carefully, you’ll not that TEED is in the midst of producing a new album, as well.
Listen to “Leave A Light On” below.
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